‘For blood of ours shed blood of Montague’
[Act III, scene 1, 151]
Played by
Hermione Gulliford

Lady Capulet is the wife of Lord Capulet and the mother of Juliet. At the start of the play, she suggests to Juliet it is time she got married and that Paris would be a good husband. Juliet agrees to look positively on Paris when she meets him that night at the Capulet’s big party.
Lady Capulet’s nephew, Tybalt, is murdered by the Montague boy, Romeo. She believes Romeo should be put to death for what he has done, but is dismayed when the Prince only banishes him.
When Juliet refuses to consider the marriage to Paris, Lady Capulet stands by her husband, and eventually Juliet seems to agree to the marriage. On the day of the wedding though, Lady Capulet’s world is torn apart when her only child is discovered dead in her bed.
Also Called
[Juliet: Act I, scene 3, 6]
‘lady mother’
[Juliet: Act III, scene 5, 65]

‘I’ve got a 13 year old myself, so I understand about being frustrated with teenagers. But I also
remember very much what it was like to be a teenager…‘(Hermione Gulliford, Lady Capulet)
Hermione shares how she can connect and sympathise with the different generations in the play, as well as her character: Lady Capulet, the “matriarch”.

@OFFICIAL_Prince has NO idea what he’s doing. My niece has been brutally murdered by a Montague. And what does the Prince do? Banishes the Montague! Romeo should be put to death. How do I get the justice my family deserves?
Send your reply to @LadyOfThisHouse

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