Another opening, another show!
It’s the first week of performances: the text is off the page and now on its feet. This week, however, we’re talking a different kind of page: webpages.
Follow the blog this week as we chat with the Communications team, bringing what’s on stage to audiences online. These wonderful and creative people put together all kinds of digital resources and media, from snapshots into rehearsals to Snapchat filters.
Why not put your own skills to the test and design your own poster?
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Week 6 Blog
This week, we hand across to some of the people behind the scenes…
Rona (Digital Producer)
This week, we created the Globe’s first ever Snapchat filters. Audiences coming to see Romeo and Juliet can show their house pride, by choosing to be Montague or Capulet!
How did this come about? Well before audiences come into the theatre, they wait outside for a little bit. We wanted to give them something to do, so if they log into Snapchat and take a selfie, they can then swipe across to apply one of two filters: Capulets or Montagues.
The actors have been showing their love for their house, as you can see from this week’s Gallery. Which one would you choose?
P.S. This is all setup using something called Geofilters. This allows companies to setup filters to display in specific locations, so they will only be accessible to people waiting in the queue or inside the Globe.
Martha (Marketing Assistant)
We’ve recently been venturing out of the Globe to visit our wonderful friends in local schools and bring their voices to this project.
Laden with filming equipment, lights, recording materials and a lot of Shakespeare related questions, we are welcomed as the bell rings by four smiling faces. It’s one of the most inspiring opportunities to talk with the bright and thoughtful students, and hear their fresh perspectives on Romeo and Juliet…
If Romeo had WhatsApp would he have read Juliet’s message? How do the actors change costumes so quickly? Would you ever marry someone after knowing them for only a day!
Debate and discussion fills the room and all of a sudden we have a limitless wealth of content to use in our podcasts and recordings.
Sophie (Multimedia Production Officer)
Hello world wide web! I’m the Multimedia Production Officer here at Shakespeare’s Globe, which means I am the gremlin working hard behind the scenes to create the cool video content you see across all our media platforms… including this website (that’s pretty neat!)
For the past few weeks I’ve been working with the cast and a few students to make the Romeo & Juliet: PROLOGUE video. This was thanks to a couple of trips into schools, alongside Martha, Rona and the team.
Sian (Social Media Freelancer)
This week we continued to create social media content about Romeo and Juliet.
We had fun thinking about how we could tell the story and bring out key themes in the play through quizzes, Instagram stories and other fun digital ideas. Audiences can follow along with the production not just on this website, but on our social channels: Twitter (@The_Globe), Instagram (@the_globe) and Facebook (ShakespearesGlobe). These channels allow them to learn more and share their thoughts on the play.